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The safedata_validator package is a dataset validation and publishing tool for use with large collections of related but heterogenous datasets. It was originally built to handle the field data collections from the SAFE Project, which has generated a large number of related datasets.

It forms one element of the wider safedata system, which provide a general framework for use in providing data capture, validation, publication and discovery within long term ecological projects.

User starting points

Data providers
These pages provide an overview of the data preparation and submission process.
Data managers
These pages provide an introduction to the command line tools used to validate and publish datasets.
These pages provide the API for the package classes and methods.

Package components

The safedata_validator package uses the following elements:

  • A defined format for annotating data tables with metadata, validating sampling locations and taxonomic references and providing a standard set of summary metadata.
  • The safedata_validator package itself, written in Python, which is used to check that a dataset meets the standard format. The package provides:
    • A programmatic API: safedata_validator can be imported and then used to implement validation within another program.
    • An implementation of the format checking process for data stored in Excel files, although implementations for other formats are possible.
    • Command line tools for both the validation (safedata_validate) and publication (safedata_zenodo) of datasets
  • A data store to archive validated datasets. The safedata_validator packages currently uses Zenodo to store datasets.

The wider safedata system then also uses:

  • The safedata_server web application, which implements a metadata server for published datasets, used to maintain a searchable interface to the full metadata extracted from datasets.
  • The safedata package, which provides data discovery and download for published datasets into the R statistical computing framework.

Code availability

The safedata_validator package is open source Python and is maintained on GitHub. It can be installed using PyPI. See the installation notes for setup instructions.