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Local NCBI taxonomy database

The data source

The NCBI maintain a taxonomy database, providing a taxonomic hierarchy for the sequences stored in the NCBI system. The database is continually updated, but they provide an archive folder containing roughly monthly snapshots of the taxonomy database. We recommend using these archive snapshots, because they provide a timestamped and reproducible version of the underlying data. The available versions can be seen here:

To use the NCBI taxonomy as a local data resource for taxon validation, the safedata_validator package requires a version of the database to be built into a SQLite3 database.

Building a local copy

The safedata_build_local_ncbi command line tool is used to automatically download and build the required file. The command line help is shown below - note that a particular version can be selected by supplying the version date timestamp from the page above.

cl_prompt $ safedata_build_local_ncbi -h
usage: safedata_build_local_ncbi [-h] [-t TIMESTAMP] outfile

Build a local NCBI database.

    This tool builds an SQLite database of the NCBI  taxonomy to use in
    validation by safedata_validate. There are multiple archived versions
    of the dataset, and the available versions can be seen here:

    The tool will optionally take a timestamp - using the format '2021-11-26'
    - to build a particular version, but defaults to the most recent version.

positional arguments:
  outfile       Filename to use for database file.

  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  -t TIMESTAMP, --timestamp TIMESTAMP
                The time stamp of a database archive version to use.

You will need to provide an output directory for the database and then use the command:

safedata_build_local_ncbi outdir

This should result in the following output:

- Downloading NCBI data to: /path/to/tempdir
    - Connecting to FTP server
    - Using most recent archive: 2023-11-01
    - Downloading taxonomy to: /path/to/tempdir/
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████| 60.5M/60.5M [00:03<00:00, 16.9MB/s]
- Building GBIF backbone database in: /path/to/outdir/ncbi_taxonomy_2023-11-01.sqlite
    - Timestamp table created
    - Creating nodes table
    - Populating nodes table from nodes.dmp
2535034it [00:27, 93695.95it/s]
    - Creating names table
    - Populating names table from names.dmp
3914203it [00:31, 123281.67it/s]
    - Creating merge table
    - Populating merge table from merged.dmp
74501it [00:00, 155486.74it/s]
    - Creating unique ranks table
    - Creating database indexes
    - Removing downloaded archive

Once you have an SQLite3 backbone database, you will then need to edit the gbif_database entry in your configuration file to provide the path to your new SQLite file.

Build process overview

  • The command line tool downloads the taxdmp zipfile archive for the requested timestamp.
  • This file contains data from a number of tables stored as DMP files, but only the nodes.dmp, names.dmp, and merged.dmp are required. These describe the taxonomic nodes, the names assigned to specific nodes, and superseded nodes that have now been merged into other nodes, respectively.
  • The tool automatically extracts this data from within the zip archive.
  • The nodes table contains a lot of un-needed fields - we therefore drop all fields other than tax_id, parent_tax_id, rank, and comments.
  • The names table includes a field (unique_name) that gives a unique version of every name. Given that safedata_validator has built in handling of ambiguous names and that these unique names are extremely specific (e.g. Bacteria <bacteria>), we do not believe this is a useful field for our purpose. It is therefore dropped.
  • A single database is then generated with three tables: nodes, names, merged.
  • A timestamp table is created to hold the version timestamp.
  • A unique_ncbi_ranks table is created to hold the names of all ranks used in the NCBI database.
  • The speed of the package is much improved by building covering indices to speed up the four kinds of searches used by safedata_validator:

  • searches for specific taxon ids in the nodes table,

  • searches for taxon names in the names table,
  • searches for scientific names in the names tables and
  • searches for specific taxon ids in the merged table.