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Managing datasets with safedata_validator

The safedata_validator package is one component of the wider safedata system for data management and discovery. This system comprises:

  1. The safedata_validator Python package itself, which is used to validate submitted datasets and ensure that the data and metadata for those datasets are consistent and meet the minimum requirements. When a dataset is successfully validated, the package also provides tools to both publish the dataset to the Zenodo community for your datasets and to upload the metadata to a seperate metadata server for the project.

  2. The metadata server is a web server running the safedata_server web application. This provides an index of the published datasets along with a range of APIs to search the metadata, including text, taxonomy and spatial searches of the published datasets.

  3. The project Zenodo community: this is a project specific grouping of Zenodo records which provides DOIs and download access for the actual data files. Each project using the safedata system will have it's own separate Zenodo community.

  4. The safedata R package, which is an R package that makes it easy for users to discover and download datasets of interest from your community.

Installing and using safedata_validator

Installing and configuring the safedata_validator package has multiple steps. The basic overview is:

  • Ensure that you have a recent version of Python installed on your computer and install the safedata_validator package from PyPi using the pip package installer tool.

  • Create a safedata_validator configuration file, which is used by the package and command line tools to locate required resources and settings.

  • Use the safedata_build_local_gbif and safedata_build_local_ncbi command line tools to create local taxonomic validation databases and add the locations of these files to the configuration.

  • Create a GeoJSON gazetteer for your project, defining named locations to be used across datasets, and add the location of the gazetteer file to the configuration.

At this point, you should be able to use the safedata_validate tool to validate datasets. However, there are extra steps to allow datasets to be published.

  • Create a Zenodo account, community and access token that will be used to publish validated datasets and add these details to your configuration.

  • Set up a safedata_server metadata server to provide a searchable API for the detailed dataset metadata and again add the details to your configuration.

Once you have installed and configured these tools, then you can use the provided command line tools to validate and publish datasets. The usage recipes show how the tools are used.